Clinical Trial: Study of Magnetic Fields to Treat Alzheimer's Disease

Study Status: Withdrawn
Recruit Status: Withdrawn
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of the Application of Magnetic Fields Using the Resonator for the Treatment of Alzheimer‟s Disease in Addition

Brief Summary: To determine if low level magnetic fields can help to improve memory in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Detailed Summary: The purpose of this pilot study is to determine whether application of magnetic fields generated by the Resonator may improve cognitive functioning and memory in individuals with a diagnosis of Alzheimer‟s dementia, as an adjunctive therapy to standard of care.
Sponsor: pico-tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC

Current Primary Outcome: Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cog (ADAS-cog) [ Time Frame: end of treatment at 12 weeks ]

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome: Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE), Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q), Clinical Dementia Scale [ Time Frame: end of treatment at 12 weeks ]

Original Secondary Outcome: Same as current

Information By: pico-tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC

Date Received: March 10, 2011
Date Started: September 2011
Date Completion: September 2012
Last Updated: May 27, 2011
Last Verified: May 2011