Clinical Trial: Donepezil and Brain Activity Patterns in Those at Risk For Alzheimer's Disease

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Unknown status
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: Efficacy of Donepezil in Normalizing Brain Activation Patterns in People Genetically at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease

Brief Summary:

The purpose of the study is to examine patterns of brain activity in people who are at risk for memory problems (e.g., Alzheimer's disease or dementia)before and after the medication donepezil. Although genetic testing will be done, the results will not be shared with study participants.

Once the genetic testing is completed subjects may continue to the second phase of the study. During this time they will be asked to take the medication donepezil (which is approved by the FDA for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease).

Donepezil is not FDA approved for healthy volunteers and is therefore considered investigational in this study.

Detailed Summary:


  1. Cognitively intact individuals with normal brain morphology at genetic risk for developing Alzheimer's' Disease (AD) show alterations in brain activation patterns during tasks that require memory compared to similar individuals with lower risk for developing AD.
  2. Donepezil, a cholinesterase inhibitor, can normalize such brain activation patterns in subjects at risk for AD.


  1. To replicate a recent study1, and compare brain activation in subjects genetically at risk for AD (carriers of the є4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE)) with subjects at lower risk for AD (lacking the є4 allele) during tasks that require memory, via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
  2. To determine if administration of a drug currently indicated in the treatment of AD, donepezil, can reverse fMRI brain activation patterns of at risk subjects to patterns similar to those of subjects at lower genetic risk for AD.

Sponsor: Vanderbilt University

Current Primary Outcome: Changes in brain activation patterns as measured in an fMRI. [ Time Frame: 8 weeks ]

Original Primary Outcome: Changes in brain activation patterns as measured in an fMRI.

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Vanderbilt University

Date Received: December 5, 2006
Date Started: December 2006
Date Completion: December 2012
Last Updated: March 15, 2011
Last Verified: March 2011