Clinical Trial: The Microbiology of Caries Resistance

Study Status: Completed
Recruit Status: Completed
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: The Microbiology of Caries Resistance. Subtitle: Functional Amyloid Formation in Streptococcus Mutans

Brief Summary: The purpose of this research study is to investigate the bacterial composition of plaque and saliva located in the mouth and associate that with risk factors that cause cavities.

Detailed Summary:

Pre-Screening - If the subject chooses to be pre-screened for this study they will be asked to fill out a study registration form and an oral habits/medical history form. They will be asked to sign an Informed Consent. The subject will then have their teeth and gums examined. At this visit, the investigator will assess whether or not the subject is a good candidate for the study. During the phone interview each subject was asked not to brush or floss their teeth and not to eat or drink anything other than water for 8 hours prior to the pre-screening visit (Visit 0). If the subject was compliant with these requests, oral samples will be collected at this pre-screening visit and will now be considered Visit 1 (Baseline). If not, they will be asked to return to the clinic for another visit and asked not to brush or floss their teeth and not to eat or drink anything other than water 8 hours prior to that appointment. This visit will then be consider Visit 1 (Baseline).

Visit 1 (Baseline) - The subject will have their medical and dental history reviewed. They will have their teeth and gums examined. Saliva and plaque will be collected. Each subject will be given a toothbrush and toothpaste and instructed to not use any other dental products. This will be considered the "washout" period.

Visit 2 - The subject will be asked to return the unused toothpaste. Their medical and dental history will be reviewed and they will have their teeth examined. Saliva and plaque will be collected at this visit. The subjects will then be randomly assigned (by chance, like the flip of a coin) to the group that will use a marketed fluoride-containing toothpaste or to the group that will use a marketed arginine containing toothpaste. The subject will also be instructed not to brush or floss their teeth or eat or drink anything other than w
Sponsor: University of Florida

Current Primary Outcome:

  • Levels of the arginine deiminase system (ADS) in oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from baseline to month 2 [ Time Frame: Changes from baseline to month 2 (Screening) ]
    Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the study visit. The amount of ammonia produced via the ADS by oral bacteria present in the collected oral samples will be measured using a standardized protocol.
  • Levels of the arginine deiminase system (ADS) in oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from month 2 to week 4 [ Time Frame: Changes from month 2 to week 4 (Baseline) ]
    Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the study visit. The amount of ammonia produced via the ADS by oral bacteria present in the collected oral samples will be measured using a standardized protocol.
  • Levels of the arginine deiminase system (ADS) in oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from week 4 to week 2 [ Time Frame: Changes from week 4 to week 2 (Washout) ]
    Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the study visit. The amount of ammonia produced via the ADS by oral bacteria present in the collected oral samples will be measured using a standardized protocol.
  • Levels of the arginine deiminase system (ADS) in oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from week 2 to week 8 [ Time Frame: Changes from week 2 to week 8 (Evaluation) ]
    Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the study visit. The amount of ammonia produced via the ADS by oral bacteria present in the collected o

    Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

    Current Secondary Outcome:

    • Bacteria collected from oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from baseline to month 2 [ Time Frame: Changes from baseline to month 2 (Screening) ]
      Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the baseline study visit. These oral samples will be plated in specific medium for bacterial growth and isolation. The isolated bacteria will be identified by molecular and microbiological techniques to characterize their capacity to produce ammonia from arginine - ADS activity. Protocols will be used to determine the sensitivity of the ADS of the oral isolates to environmental oral factors.
    • Bacteria collected from oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from month 2 to week 4 [ Time Frame: Changes from month 2 to week 4 (Baseline) ]
      Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the baseline study visit. These oral samples will be plated in specific medium for bacterial growth and isolation. The isolated bacteria will be identified by molecular and microbiological techniques to characterize their capacity to produce ammonia from arginine - ADS activity. Protocols will be used to determine the sensitivity of the ADS of the oral isolates to environmental oral factors.
    • Bacteria collected from oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from week 4 to week 2 [ Time Frame: Changes from week 4 to week 2 (Washout) ]
      Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the baseline study visit. These oral samples will be plated in specific medium for bacterial growth and isolation. The isolated bacteria will be identified by molecular and microbiological techniques to characterize their capacity to produce ammonia from arginine - ADS activity. Protocols will be used to determine the sensitivity of the ADS of the oral isolates to environmental oral factors.
    • Bacteria collected from oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from week 2 to week 8 [ Time Frame: Changes from week 2 to week 8 (Evaluation) ]
      Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the baseline study visit. These oral samples will be plated in specific medium for bacterial growth and isolation. The isolated bacteria will be identified by molecular and microbiological techniques to characterize their capacity to produce ammonia from arginine - ADS activity. Protocols will be used to determine the sensitivity of the ADS of the oral isolates to environmental oral factors.
    • Bacteria collected from oral samples of healthy and caries-active subjects changes from week 8 to week 12 [ Time Frame: Changes from week 8 to week 12 (Evaluation) ]
      Saliva and dental plaque will be collected during the baseline study visit. These oral samples will be plated in specific medium for bacterial growth and isolation. The isolated bacteria will be identified by molecular and microbiological techniques to characterize their capacity to produce ammonia from arginine - ADS activity. Protocols will be used to determine the sensitivity of the ADS of the oral isolates to environmental oral factors.

    Original Secondary Outcome: Same as current

    Information By: University of Florida

    Date Received: April 25, 2014
    Date Started: May 2014
    Date Completion:
    Last Updated: November 7, 2016
    Last Verified: November 2016