Clinical Trial: A Phase I Study of Lapatinib (Tykerb) Plus Ixabepilone (Ixempra) as 2nd-line Treatment for Patients With HER-2 Overexpressed Recurrent or Persistent Endometrial Carcinoma or Carcinosarcoma

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Unknown status
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: A Phase I Study of Lapatinib (Tykerb) Plus Ixabepilone (Ixempra) as 2nd-line Treatment for Patients With HER-2 Overexpressed Recurrent or Persistent Endometrial Carcinoma or Carcinosarcoma

Brief Summary:

Endometrial cancer (EC) is the 8th most common female cancer in Taiwan. Its incidence is increasing in the recent few years, around 1,200 new cases per year. The outcome of recurrent EC is disappointing, except focal recurrences that could be irradiated or removed. Chemotherapy is currently the most common salvage treatment for recurrent endometrial cancer. However, the response rate (RR) to 2nd-line treatment is approximately 0-27.3%, with short median time to progression, 2-3.9 months and low overall survival, 6.4-11 months.

Due to progress of studies on the molecular and genetic basis of cancer and cellular signaling pathways, targeted therapy has been developed for various cancer treatments. A Gynecologic Oncology Group study found 44% of advanced endometrial cancer had HER>=2+ and the ratio of HER2:chromosome 17 (CEP17) >=2. Another study showed that HER>=2+ was seen in 47% of carcinosarcoma. These evidences indicated HER2 gene amplification and HER2 overexpression occur in endometrial cancer and carcinosarcoma, especially in those of high grade and recurrence. Lapatinib (L), an oral inhibitor of both EGFR(epidermal growth factor receptor) and HER2(human epidermal growth receptor), has been shown to be an effective treatment in HER2/neu overexpressing metastatic breast cancer. Ixabepilone is a semisynthetic analog of the natural product epothilone B, and recently has been approved by US Food and Drug Administration as a treatment option in metastatic breast cancer. It was also observed that lapatinib + ixabepilone killed more breast tumor cells than trastuzumab + paclitaxel in vitro. Two GOG(Gynecologic Oncology Group) studies had reported that weekly Ixabepilone as 2nd-line chemotherapy provided a similar RR to 3-weekly regimen of 14.3% in platinum- and taxane-resistant epithelial ovarian cancer with less severe toxicities. The combination of lapatinib and

Detailed Summary: Patients receive weekly Ixabepilone 32 mg/m2 (D1) and a 4-level of oral Lapatinib 500-1250 mg once daily continuously. The recommended duration of treatment for each patient 21 days a cycle of total 6 cycles or until disease progression, or unacceptable toxicity or patient's refusal occurred.
Sponsor: Hung-Hsueh Chou

Current Primary Outcome: Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dosage (MTD) of the combination of lapatinib with Ixabepilone as 2nd-line chemotherapy in patients with treatment in HER2 overexpressed recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer or carcinosarcoma [ Time Frame: 2013/Apr ]

Determine the Maximum Tolerated Dosage (MTD) of the combination of lapatinib with Ixabepilone as 2nd-line chemotherapy in patients with treatment in HER2 overexpressed recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer or carcinosarcoma.

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Date Received: September 28, 2011
Date Started: March 2011
Date Completion: April 2014
Last Updated: October 18, 2011
Last Verified: October 2011