Clinical Trial: Institutional Registry of Amyloidosis

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Recruiting
Study Type: Observational

Official Title: Institutional Registry of Amyloidosis

Brief Summary:

  1. Creating a population-based registry system Amyloidosis prospective epidemiological survey

    • risk factors
    • diagnosis
    • prognosis
    • treatment
    • monitoring
    • survival
  2. Describe the occurrence of amyloidosis in the population of HIBA, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
  3. Describe the characteristics of clinical presentation, evolution and predisposing factors of amyloidosis.

Detailed Summary:

Amyloidosis is a systemic disease that is usually a result of misfolded proteins in the form of amorphous fibrillar material in various tissues and can cause progressive dysfunction of the same. The prevalence of amyloidosis varies depending on the population concerned and the type of amyloid. While prevalence in the general population is unknown, according to estimates by the Mayo Clinic this prevalence is 1 in 90 666% in the U.S. In England this disease generated about 0.0084% (1367 / 16232579) of all hospital visits between April 2008 and April 2009.

The most common clinical manifestations include cardiac disease, renal and liver function, but it may vary widely depending on the type of amyloidosis, the organ infected and extent of the deposits. Amyloid infiltration can produce signs and symptoms that may be very similar to other rheumatic diseases. This may suggest potential clinical polymorphic underdiagnosis due to low clinical suspicion.

The registries are organized systems of systematic data collection of a large number of patients quickly and efficiently on a particular disease at a given time.

The main difficulty of the registries is the guarantee of the quality of their data.

The main objectives of the registry are:

  1. Understand risk factors and prognosis.
  2. Evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic comparison with current standards.
  3. Advance knowledge of the disease to optimize the assessment, treatment and monitoring of patients.
  4. Analyze the effectiveness of new therapies.
  5. Studying differences between
    Sponsor: Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

    Current Primary Outcome: Epidemiologic characteristics [ Time Frame: From inclusion date to 1year ]

    Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

    Current Secondary Outcome:

    Original Secondary Outcome:

    Information By: Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

    Date Received: May 2, 2011
    Date Started: April 2011
    Date Completion: January 2020
    Last Updated: February 22, 2017
    Last Verified: February 2017