Clinical Trial: A Pivotal Trial to Establish the Efficacy and Safety of Algisyl in Patients With Moderate to Severe Heart Failure

Study Status: Not yet recruiting
Recruit Status: Not yet recruiting
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: A Pivotal Trial to Establish the Efficacy and Safety of Algisyl in Patients With Moderate to Severe Heart Failure

Brief Summary:

AUGMENT-HF II is a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the Algisyl device. The purpose of this study is to investigate Algisyl employed as a method of left ventricular augmentation and restoration in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.

Algisyl will be injected into the myocardium under direct visualization during the surgical procedure. Structural abnormalities in the heart are known to play a central role in HF, and clinical evidence supports a strong causal relationship between cardiac chamber dilation and heart failure. Because dilation, and not contractile dysfunction, appears to be responsible for the severity of the disease, the mitigation or prevention of the deleterious structural abnormalities of the left ventricle appears to be an important therapeutic target for patients with this life threatening illness.

Hence, a therapy that specifically reduces LV wall stress, targets LV dilatation and LV remodeling may offer an important new alternative in the treatment of heart failure. Algisyl is being investigated based on evidence that suggests an ability of the implants to reduce wall stress, reshape the LV chamber and reduce the LV chamber size as well as prevent the progressive ventricular dilation and remodeling associated with HF.

The physiologic response to progressive exercise using direct measures of ventilation and gas exchange via the cardiopulmonary exercise test is an important diagnostic tool in the management of the patient with HF, quantifying responses to therapy, and as a reliable prognostic utility for predicting outcomes in patients with HF.

Numerous studies have established the strong association of peak VO2 with mortality and morbidity risk in HF. Peak VO2 conceptually is considered an over

Detailed Summary:
Sponsor: LoneStar Heart, Inc.

Current Primary Outcome:

  • Peak VO2 [ Time Frame: 6 months ]
    Change in Peak VO2 from baseline to 6 months of follow-up
  • Primary Safety Endpoint: Death or Re-hospitalization for Worsening Heart Failure [ Time Frame: 12 months ]
    Death or Re-hospitalization for Worsening Heart Failure

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome:

  • NYHA Functional Class [ Time Frame: 6 months ]
    NYHA Functional Class
  • Six-minute walk distance [ Time Frame: 6 months ]
    Six minute walk distance
  • Peak VO2 at 12 months [ Time Frame: 12 months ]
    Change in Peak VO2 from baseline to 12 months of follow-up
  • QOL [ Time Frame: 6 months ]
    Quality of Life as measured by KCCQ (Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire)

Original Secondary Outcome: Same as current

Information By: LoneStar Heart, Inc.

Date Received: March 13, 2017
Date Started: August 2017
Date Completion: January 2024
Last Updated: March 13, 2017
Last Verified: March 2017