Clinical Trial: APL93: Timing of CxT and Role of Maintenance

Study Status: Completed
Recruit Status: Completed
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: Assessment of the Optimal Timing of Chemotherapy With or After ATRA and the Role of Maintenance

Brief Summary: Objectives of the trial were to assess the optimal timing of chemotherapy with or after ATRA and the role of maintenance therapy.

Detailed Summary:

Induction treatment was stratified by age and initial WBC count. Patients ≤65 years of age with a WBC count less than 5,000/µL were randomized to receive the reference ATRA treatment of our previous trial (APL91 trial) {Fenaux, 1993 #2088}, ie, 45 mg/m2/d ATRA followed by CT (ATRA→CT group) or ATRA plus CT (ATRA+CT). In the ATRA→CT group, patients received 45 mg/m2/d ATRA orally until CR, with a maximum of 90 days. After CR achievement, they received a course of 60 mg/m2/d daunorubicin (DNR) for 3 days and 200 mg/m2/d AraC for 7 days (course I). However, course I was added to ATRA if the WBC count was increased to greater than 6,000/µL, 10,000/µL, or 15,000/µL by day 5, 10, and 15 of ATRA treatment, respectively, be-cause, from our experience, patients were at risk of ATRA syndrome above those thresholds{de Botton, 2003 #1127; De Botton, 1998 #1604}. Patients randomized to the ATRA+CT group received the same combination of ATRA and CT, with course I of CT starting on day 3 of ATRA treatment.

Patients with a WBC count greater than 5,000/µL at presentation (irrespective of their age) and patients 66 to 75 years of age with a WBC count ≤ 5,000/µL were not ran-domized but received ATRA plus CT course I from day 1 (high WBC group) and the same schedule as in the ATRA→CT group (elderly group), respectively.

Treatment of coagulopathy during the induction phase was based on platelet support to maintain the platelet count at a level greater than 50,000 /µL until the disappea-rance of coagulopathy. The use of heparin, tranexamic acid, fresh frozen plasma, and fibrinogen transfusions was optional.

CR patients received 2 CT consolidation courses, including course II (identical to course I) and course III, consisting of 45
Sponsor: Groupe d'etude et de travail sur les leucemies aigues promyelocytaires

Current Primary Outcome: For induction treatment event-free survival (EFS), calculated from the date of randomization, was the major endpoint. [ Time Frame: 2 years ]

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Groupe d'etude et de travail sur les leucemies aigues promyelocytaires

Date Received: December 27, 2007
Date Started: January 1993
Date Completion:
Last Updated: January 23, 2008
Last Verified: December 2007