Clinical Trial: Endoscopic Assessment of Polyp Histology

Study Status: Terminated
Recruit Status: Terminated
Study Type: Interventional

Official Title: On-Site Endoscopic Prediction of Polyp Histology During Screening Colonoscopy

Brief Summary: Polyps found during screening colonoscopy have to be removed or at least biopsied. Attempts to save costs include endoscopic assessment of polyps with regards to differential diagnoses between adenomas (which have to be removed) and hyperplastic polyps (could be left in place or removed and not examined histologically). Such a concept would only be feasible if endoscopy can make the differential diagnosis with high accuracy. Such high accuracy rates - between 80% and 95% - have been reported from reference centers with specific scientific interest. The investigators want to test whether these results a) can be reproduced in the private practice setting performing large-volume screening colonoscopies and b) whether latest generation endoscopes provide benefit in terms of better accuracy.

Detailed Summary: Patients undergoing screening colonoscopy will be randomized to the use of two different colonoscopes, namely the latest generation (Pentax iScan, Hi Line) versus the previous generation (Classic Line). On withdrawal, all polyps found will be diagnosed according to their pit pattern (classification scheme mit example images provided) and a differential diagnosis made during the live examination. Pit patterns I/II will be classified as hyperplastic polyps, patterns III-V as adenomas (in a subgroup IV and V will be classified as pre-/malignant). All polyps will be photographed from near distance to allow for later blinded review which will be done on patients with only one polyp (to avoid mix-up of polyps) by 3 examiners and 2 independent hospital experts.
Sponsor: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Current Primary Outcome: Accuracy (sensitivity/specificity) of HDTV/iScan image technology (Hi Line) versus conventional colonoscopy (classic Line) in the diagnosis of adenomas versus hyperplastic polyps [ Time Frame: 14 months ]

Original Primary Outcome: Same as current

Current Secondary Outcome: Comparison of online accuracy during colonoscopy with later blinded image assessment in the differential diagnosis of adenomas versus hyperplastic polyps [ Time Frame: 14 months ]

Original Secondary Outcome: Same as current

Information By: Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

Date Received: February 14, 2011
Date Started: September 2009
Date Completion:
Last Updated: June 1, 2015
Last Verified: June 2015