Clinical Trial: Collecting and Storing Blood Samples From Patients With Cancer

Study Status: Withdrawn
Recruit Status: Withdrawn
Study Type: Observational

Official Title: Banking DNA for Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms in Patients With Cancer

Brief Summary:

RATIONALE: Collecting and storing samples of blood from patients with cancer to test in the laboratory may help the study of cancer in the future.

PURPOSE: This research study is collecting and storing blood samples from patients with cancer.

Detailed Summary:


  • To establish a repository for long-term storage of DNA obtained from patients treated at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey.
  • To establish a mechanism whereby investigators can analyze correlations between genetic polymorphisms and clinical outcomes (e.g., response to treatment).

OUTLINE: Additional blood samples are collected for banking from patients while they are scheduled for routine blood draw as a part of their normal care. Samples are stored in a secure place under the control of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey Tissue Retrieval service. The samples may be used for DNA, RNA, or protein extraction and analyses, as well as generation of cell lines.

Demographic data (ethnicity, race, age, and sex), diagnosis, family history, and previous treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery) are recorded on the case report form and kept in a secure location in the Office of Human Research Services (OHRS).

Patients may have their samples removed and destroyed at any time.

Sponsor: University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Current Primary Outcome:

  • DNA repository for long-term storage of DNA obtained from patients treated at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey [ Time Frame: Indefinite ]
  • Investigative mechanism to allow correlations between genetic polymorphisms and clinical outcomes [ Time Frame: Indefinite ]

Original Primary Outcome:

  • DNA repository for long-term storage of DNA obtained from patients treated at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey
  • Investigative mechanism to allow correlations between genetic polymorphisms and clinical outcomes

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Date Received: May 9, 2009
Date Started: March 2004
Date Completion:
Last Updated: December 8, 2011
Last Verified: December 2011